Theodore Wallace

Theodore Wallace

Wednesday, 14 July 2021 21:01

District Picnic

Hey Everyone!


Do not forget our District Picnic on

August 22, 2021

2 PM

Hibernia Park Pavilion 4

Please bring a covered dish

This years Contest is PUDDING

Best pudding, could be ANY flavor!

Sunday, 26 January 2020 15:03

Masonic Youth Opportunities

So, you want to get that Masonic Youth Check box for your Master Builder, Master Craftsman, or Master Pillar Award?

Well, here is your opportunities!

Patriots Day: Where: Valley of Reading Catherdral  When: Saturday February 22, 2020 Time: 2 P.M.

Then our Masonic Youth Coordinator Harvey "Bud" Willard has arrainged:

Alex Fizz, Executive Director PAMYF and PA State Master Councilor Drew Santilli as well as other DeMolay have prepared a presentation for May 4, 2020

This will be held at West Chester Lodge #322.

So, to keep Bill and Frank happy, please make every effort to attend one of these events.