Theodore Wallace
District Picnic
Hey Everyone!
Do not forget our District Picnic on
August 22, 2021
2 PM
Hibernia Park Pavilion 4
Please bring a covered dish
This years Contest is PUDDING
Best pudding, could be ANY flavor!
Masonic Youth Opportunities
So, you want to get that Masonic Youth Check box for your Master Builder, Master Craftsman, or Master Pillar Award?
Well, here is your opportunities!
Patriots Day: Where: Valley of Reading Catherdral When: Saturday February 22, 2020 Time: 2 P.M.
Then our Masonic Youth Coordinator Harvey "Bud" Willard has arrainged:
Alex Fizz, Executive Director PAMYF and PA State Master Councilor Drew Santilli as well as other DeMolay have prepared a presentation for May 4, 2020
This will be held at West Chester Lodge #322.
So, to keep Bill and Frank happy, please make every effort to attend one of these events.