Welcome to the 5th Masonic District of the Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania

The fraternal heart of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Under the jurisdiction of:

The Right Worshipful Grand Lodgeof the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvaniaand Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging 


ddgm05 2 

Bro. Craig W. Shaffer,

5th. District Deputy Grand Master

Visit is on Facebook: FB button

Brethren of District 5:

Welcome brethren. This is your site! The singular internet presence for all 5th Pennsylvania Masonic District news, announcements, events and contacts. Please browse the website and feel free to send us your comments, suggestions and feedback.

Traveling Brethren:

If your travels bring you to the Chester County or Southeastern Pennsylvania area, then please make a point to visit one of our local lodges, or attend a meeting or event! We are a district of friendly lodges that welcome visiting brethren form near and far. In most cases, you can simply present yourself, but feel free to contact a lodge secretary or event chairman ahead of time. This page, 5th District Lodges (click here), contains all of the Lodge Secretaries contact links.

Website Visitors:

Please explore our site to see a glimpse of what our fraternity, and our local lodges, have to offer. If you have any interest in the organization, or even any casual questions about the fraternity, then do not hesitate to contact the District Webmaster, or simply click this link CLICK HERE.

Lodge Hall Rentals: Please contact the Lodge Hall Directly.

  • District Picnic

    Hey Everyone!


    Do not forget our District Picnic on

    August 22, 2021

    2 PM

    Hibernia Park Pavilion 4

    Please bring a covered dish

    This years Contest is PUDDING

    Best pudding, could be ANY flavor!

    Written on %PM, %14 %084 %2021 %21:%Jul in District News Read 4531 times
  • Masonic Youth Opportunities

    So, you want to get that Masonic Youth Check box for your Master Builder, Master Craftsman, or Master Pillar Award?

    Well, here is your opportunities!

    Patriots Day: Where: Valley of Reading Catherdral  When: Saturday February 22, 2020 Time: 2 P.M.

    Then our Masonic Youth Coordinator Harvey "Bud" Willard has arrainged:

    Alex Fizz, Executive Director PAMYF and PA State Master Councilor Drew Santilli as well as other DeMolay have prepared a presentation for May 4, 2020

    This will be held at West Chester Lodge #322.

    So, to keep Bill and Frank happy, please make every effort to attend one of these events.

    Written on %PM, %26 %877 %2020 %15:%Jan in Special Events Read 6351 times

    February 5, 2020 – Oxford Lodge No. 353

    February 19, 2020 – Williamson Lodge No. 309

    Written on %PM, %29 %953 %2019 %16:%Dec in District News Read 7019 times